
So if this is a sort of diary....

I ought to update it every day?

OK, yesterday's later learnings:

  1. If offered a chance to escape early, TAKE IT. Hanging around and attempting to be diligent will be punished, e.g. by the phrase "Oh all that work you've helped us with? It's all broken...". As an example.
  2. Hanging around on a Friday will inevitably lead to packed trains, and thence to Chaos. Like track failures meaning what was already a long journey turned into an outrageous one. Didn't get home until 23:00 in the end. Not fun at all.
  3. At least East Coast Main Line has power points. If the iPhone had died a battery death (and it wouldn't have lasted the 4.5hrs that train took the way I was using it...) I'd have been a very bored and unhappy camper indeed.

Today's going much better though. Got an unexpected Free Gift Lie-In from Dearly Beloved, both Kids have disappeared for much of the afternoon, and we've booked a spoil-ourselves-rotten weekend for next month, all on points and gift vouchers. Later we shall be dining out.

Today's learnings?

  1. Passive-Aggressive control freakery is embedded in my genes, based on the greater or lesser degrees to which I observe it expressed in ancestors, siblings and offspring.
  2. Sex Bob-omb are named after side-characters in Mario Bros 2. And "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" is a far, far geekier film than I'd even guessed...

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